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This particular Economics class prepares students to function effectively as consumers, savers, investors, entrepreneurs, and active citizens. On a personal and philosophical level, students learn that their own human capital (knowledge and skills) is their most valuable resource. Students will learn concepts, topics, and methods to get the most out of their lives.

Course Units and Assignments

Unit 1: Introduction

Presentation: "Life's Not Fair"

Video: The Time You Have (in jelly beans)

Assignment: Econ 1.1: The Time You Have  (in jelly beans)

Video: This is Water

Assignment: Econ 1.2: Leaving Home & Welcome to the Real World

Assignment: Econ 1.3: Have List & Need List

Movie: "Castaway"

Assignment: Econ 1.4: The Economics of "Castaway"

Activity: The Island Game

Assignment: Econ 1.5: Island Game Evaluation

Unit 2: On Your Own

Assignment: Econ 2.1: Renting an Apartment

Info: Rental Guide (use with "Rental Application" assignment below)

Assignment: Econ 2.2: Rental Application (Read: Info: Rental Guide First)

Assignment: Econ 2.3: Would you Sign this Lease?

Assignment: Econ 2.4: Transportation Costs

Info: Insurance Basics

Assignment: Econ 2.5: Insurance Basics

Assignment: Econ 2.6: Buying Auto Insurance

Assignment: Econ 2.7: Monthly Expenses

Assignment: Econ 2.8: Working a Budget

Info: "Biggest Budgeting Blunders"

Video: TED: 3 Psychological Tricks to Saving Money

Assignment: Econ 2.9: Monthly Budgeting Exercise

Information needed to complete Monthly Budgeting Exercise Assignment Above: Month #1

Information needed to complete Monthly Budgeting Exercise Assignment Above: Month #2

Assignment: Econ 2.11: Read and Respond to the following 2 Readings:

Reading #1: The High Cost of Poverty

Reading #2: The Emotional Effects of Debt

Assessment: Econ 2.12: On Your Own

Unit 3: Career Exploration

Assignment: Econ 3.1: Video Guide: Pursuit of Happyness

Assignment: Econ 3.2: Career Exploration

Video: "Education Pays"

Reading: Preparing for a Job Interview

Video: TED: Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language

Assignment: Econ 3.3: "Making Money" articles

Reading #1: Money Doesn't Buy Happiness

Reading #2: The Work and Spend Cycle

Assessment: Econ 3.4: On Your Own

Unit 4: Banking & Checking

Information: Banking Services

Assignment: Econ 4.1: Banking & Checking Accounts


Assessment: Econ 4.2: Banking Services

Unit 5: Saving & Investing

Econ 5.1: Video: How we get value and odds wrong

Econ 5.2: Video Lecture: The Value of Time & Money 

Econ 5.3: Information: Saving & Investing

Assignment: Econ 5.3: Saving & Investing

Assessment: Econ 5.4: Saving & Investing

Unit 6: Credit & Credit Cards

Assignment: Econ 6.1: QTPi Credit Card Activity 

Information: Credit Card Agreement (The Fine Print)

Video: Frontline : Secret History of the Credit Card

Assignment: Econ 6.2: Questions: Secret History of the Credit Card

Credit Information

Assignment: Econ 6.3: Credit

Credit Card Information 

Assignment: Econ 6.4: Credit Cards


Unit 7: Consumer Awareness

Assignment: Econ 7.1: Consumer Awareness

Video: Reading Ads and Claims

Reading: 15 Ways Stores Trick You Into Spending

Video: TED: Cameron Russell: Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model

Assignment: Econ 7.2: Video: Frontline: "Generation Like"

Assignment: Econ 7.3: Protecting Your Financial Self

Reading: Protecting Your Financial Self

Unit 8: Summary, Wrap up, the Meaning of Life....

Assignment: Econ 8.1: Your Life. Your Money

Video: Your Life, Your Money

Watch: TED Talk: Chip Conley: Measuring What Makes Life Worthwhile

Assignment: Econ 8.2: Quiz: TED Talk: Chip Conley: Measuring What Makes Life Worthwhile

Assignment: Econ 8.3: Economics and Your Life

Watch: City Slickers

Video: ABC Special: The Last Lecture

Assignment: Econ 8.4 The Last Lecture

Information: Top 5 Regrets of the Dying


Video: TED: Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action


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