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U.S. History

Course Units and Assignments


In this course, students examine major developments and turning points in American history from the late nineteenth century to the present. During the year, the following themes are emphasized: the expanding role of the federal government; the emergence of a modern corporate economy and the role of organized labor; the role of the federal government and Federal Reserve System in regulating the economy; the impact of technology on American society and culture; changes in racial, ethnic, and gender dynamics in American society; the movements toward equal rights for racial, ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities and for women; and the rise of the United States as a major world power. As students survey nearly 150 years of American history, they learn how geography shaped many of these developments, especially in terms of the country’s position on the globe, its climate, and abundant natural resources. In each unit, students examine American culture, including religion, literature, art, music, drama, architecture, education, and the mass media.


Fall Semester

Introduction: How do you know?

Video: Ken Robinson: Changing Educational Paradigms


Video: A Class Divided

Video Lecture: How do you know?

Video: This is Water

Assignment: USH I.1: How Do you Know?

Unit 1: American History Review

Text Reading (ch 1): "A Nation is Born"

Assignment: USH 1.1: (ch 1): "A Nation is Born" Guide

Text Reading (ch 2): Growth & Conflict

Assignment: USH 1.2: (ch 2): "Growth & Conflict" Guide

Assignment: USH 1.3: Test: American History Review 

Study Guide: American History Review Test

Unit 2: The Progressive Era

Text Reading: The Birth of Modern America

Assignment: USH 2.1: (ch 3): "Birth of Modern America" Guide

Video: The Century: America's Time - Seeds of Change

Assignment: USH 2.2: Video "Seeds of Change"

Text Reading: The Progressive Era

Assignment: USH 2.3: (ch 5): "The Progressive Era" Guide


Assignment: USH 2.4: Test: "The Progressive Era" 


Study Guide: The Progressive Era Test

Unit 3: World War I


Text Reading: American Imperialism


Assignment: USH 3.1: American Imperialism

Assignment: USH 3.2: Video: "Shell Shock"

Text Reading: America & World War I

Study Guide: Unit 3: World War I Test

Unit 4: The 1920's


Text Reading: The Jazz Age

Text Reading: Normalcy & Good Times

Unit 5: The Great Depression


Text Reading: The Great Depression

Text Reading: The New Deal


Unit 6: World War II

Text Reading: A World in Flames

Text Reading: America & World War II

Spring Semester


Unit 7: The Cold War


Text Reading: The Cold War Begins

Text Reading: Postwar America 


Unit 8: The Civil Rights Era


Text Reading: The New Frontier & Great Society

Text Reading:The Civil Rights Movement


Unit 9: The Vietnam War & the Protest Era

Text Reading: The Vietnam War

Text Reading: The Politics of Protest

Unit 10: The 1970's & 80's


Text Reading: Politics & Economics

Text Reading: The Resurgence of Conservatism

Unit 11: The 1990's

Text Reading: Into a New Century

Unit 12: 2000 to today

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