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This course offers students an engaging introduction to the essential topics in psychology. Throughout this study of human behavior and the mind, you will gain insight into the history of the field of psychology, as well as explore current theories and issues in areas such as cognition, motivation, and wellness.

Course Units and Assignments


Unit 1: Transitioning to adulthood


Video: Inside the Teenage Brain

Assignment: Psych 1.1: Video Guide: Inside the Teenage Brain

Video: TED The Mysterious Workings of the Adolescent Brain

Assignment: Psych 1.2: Movie: "Dead Poet's Society"

Unit 2: Childhood Trauma

Reading: Abuse in Children - "Good Will Hunting"

Assignment: Psych 2.1: Abuse in Children - "Good Will Hunting"

Video: TED: Brene Brown: The Power of Vulnerability

Unit 3: On Your Own

Assignment: Pysch 3.1: Psychology of "Castaway"

Assignment: Psych 3.2: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs


Assignment: Psych 3.3: The Time You Have (in jelly beans)


Video: The Time You Have (in jelly beans)

Video: "This is Water"

Assignment: Psych 3.4: Leaving Home - Welcome to the Real World

Review:  Have List & Need List


Review: Apartment Application

Review: Monthly Budgeting Exercise

Assignment: Psych 3.5: QTPi Credit Card Activity 

Information: Credit Card Agreement (The Fine Print)

Assignment: Psych 3.6: Respond to the following readings:

Reading #1: The High Cost of Poverty

Reading #2: The Emotional Effects of Debt

Assignment: Psych 3.7: Video: How we get value and odds wrong


Assignment: Psych 3.8: Respond to the following readings:

Reading #1: Money Doesn't Buy Happiness

Reading #2: Work and Spend Cycle


Video: Lecture: Psych 3.9: The Value of Time & Money 

Assignment: Psych 3.10: Consumer Awareness

Video: Reading Ads and Claims

Reading: 15 Ways Stores Trick You Into Spending

Video: TED: Cameron Russell: Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model.

Unit 4: Relationships, Marriage, & Parenting

Assignment: Psych 4.1: Video: TED: Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? 


Assignment: Psych 4.2: Relationships: Intimacy, Marriage, Children, Forgiveness

Assignment: Psych 4.3: LOVE

Assignment: Psych 4.4: Understanding Abusive Relationships

Assignment: Psych 4.5: Overcoming Abusive Relationships


Unit 5: Addiction & Substance Abuse

Assignment: Psych 5.1: Dealing with Alcohol

Reading: Alcohol: How it Affects Us

Reading: Co-dependence: When A Family Member is an Alcoholic or Addict

Video: TED: Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong


Unit 6: Mental Health: Depression, Anxiety, Stress

Assignment: Psych 6.1: "Walk in Our Shoes"; Learning about Mental Health

Discussion Assignment: Psych 6.2: Dealing  with Depression

Video: Stories of Depression

Video: TED: Kevin Breel: Confessions of a Depressed Comic


Psych 6.3 Slowing Down; Managing Stress

Reading: Slow Down

Video: Stress Management and Meditation



Unit 7: Emotion & Motivation


Quiz: Psych 7.1: Video: TED: Daniel Pink: The Puzzle of Motivation

Assignment: Psych 7.2: Motivation and Grading

Video: Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

Reading: From Degrading to De-Grading

Unit 8: The Search for Happiness


Assignment: Psych 8.1: Read and Respond to the video: below: (TED: Dan Gilbert)


Video: "Happy"

Quiz: Psych 8.2:  TED: Chip Conley Measuring what makes life worthwhile

Assignment: Psych 8.3: Finding Happiness

Reading: "The Element" Introduction

Video: Slomo: The Man Who Skated Right Off the Grid

Reading:  5 regrets of the dying

Video: Everyday Leadership

Assignment: Psych 8.4: Keeping Happiness

Video: Take a Seat, Make a Friend

Reading: How to Keep Happiness from Fading

Video: Most Powerful Wisdom You’ll Ever Hear

Reading: Why I Dropped Out of an Ivy League College

Unit 9: The Meaning of Life?

Assignment: Psych 9.1: City Slickers

Assignment: Psych 9.2: The Last Lecture

Video: ABC Special: The Last Lecture

Video: TED: Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

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